Lent Pilgrimage Week 5

Betrayal in the courtyard If I were to ask you who betrayed Jesus, who would you say? I’m guessing it would be Judas, the well-known baddie of the Bible. One of Jesus’s inner circle who sold him for thirty pieces of silver. The word “Judas” synonymous with betrayal. Another of Jesus’s inner circle also betrayedContinue reading “Lent Pilgrimage Week 5”

Lent Pilgrimage Week 4

Agony in the Garden This is the fourth of my Lent Pilgrimage blogs. Today we look at the time Jesus spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is no nice pretty flower garden, but a working olive grove, and it happens in the dark. It is the middle of the night, the darkest hour whenContinue reading “Lent Pilgrimage Week 4”

Lent Pilgrimage Week 3

Everyday Stuff This is the third in my Lent Pilgrimage blogs. This week we think about Jesus’s last meal with his closest friends. Last year, I had the privilege of celebrating Pesach also called Passover, in a Jewish home. At the heart of it is the family, where all are included, from the youngest toContinue reading “Lent Pilgrimage Week 3”

Lent Pilgrimage Week 2

A King Like No Other Welcome to the second of my Lent blogs. This week we look at the Sunday before Jesus died, often called Palm Sunday because the crowds waved palm branches in front of Jesus. There are some strange stories in the Bible. Please hear me out before you accuse me of heresy,Continue reading “Lent Pilgrimage Week 2”

Aemilia Metella Interviews Tabitha – part 2

Even death could not stop her If you have not already done so, read part 1 of Aemilia’s interview here (https://leavingbethany.com/2023/01/10/aemilia-metella-interviews-tabitha-part-1/). She left us with the ultimate cliffhanger, so read on to see what happened next. “Yes, the day I died,” Tabitha said. “That still seems strange to say.” Melia took my hand and ledContinue reading “Aemilia Metella Interviews Tabitha – part 2”

Who were the women who anointed Jesus?

The Bible stories of the women who anointed Jesus’s feet have intrigued me for a long time. Wondering who they were and why they performed such a public display of their devotion to Jesus, and in the process opened themselves up to misinterpretation, censure and ridicule. All four gospels tell the story, with slight variations,Continue reading “Who were the women who anointed Jesus?”

An Interview with Salome

Aemilia Metella interviews the woman trapped in adultery who was taken to Jesus Tiberias is a new city lying on the shores of Lake Galilee. Its layout and buildings resemble nearly every other Roman town I have visited. This should not be surprising, as it was founded by Herod Antipas and dedicated to his friend,Continue reading “An Interview with Salome”

Reclaiming Mary Magdalene

Ask most people to name one of Jesus’s female disciples or followers, and they will probably say Mary Magdalene, and if you probe a little further, they will say, “wasn’t she a prostitute?” In my May 2022 blog, I talked about the Bible’s “bad girls”, those to whom history has not been kind. https://leavingbethany.com/2022/05/04/taking-a-fresh-look-at-the-bad-girls-of-the-bible/ WhenContinue reading “Reclaiming Mary Magdalene”

Aemilia Metella interviews Mary Magdalene

My guide led me through the narrow congested streets of Jerusalem. He led me to a backstreet and a building with a staircase at the side. I followed him up the steps and into a room which was much larger than I imagined. Several people moved around, some talking, others praying and a group laughingContinue reading “Aemilia Metella interviews Mary Magdalene”

Taking a fresh look at the bad girls of the Bible

It’s taken me a while to get around to the theme of this month’s blog, and I have debated with myself even about the title. Second-guessing myself whether I should even discuss the historical sexualisation of female Biblical characters. Who are the bad girls referred to in the title? These are the women who historyContinue reading “Taking a fresh look at the bad girls of the Bible”